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Materials presentation requirements
I. Procedure for submitting an article to the "Professional Art Education"
1.1. Materials for publication are scientific articles the purpose of which is to publish the results of their own scientific researches, reporting of significant results of theoretical, methodical and practical character in the field of art education.
1.2. The article can be submitted by the author to the executive secretary (administrator, assistant editor-in-chief, editor) of the Journale via e-mail
1.3. The author can independently submit a scientific article for review to the "Professional Art Education" journal, by logging into the official website and using Add article tab.
* Submitted materials will automatically be sent to the editor, and the author will receive a notification to the email specified at registration. If you are having problem submitting an article, please contact technical support
1.4. In the case of a positive decision to accept and publish the article, in accordance with the Open access statement, additional documents should be provided:
ІІ. Materials content requirements
2.1. Articles must meet the requirements approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the HAC of Ukraine "On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the HAC of Ukraine".
2.2. It is required to indicate and highlight in bold normal size such structural elements as:
Formulation of the problem and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks (it is necessary to disclose the essence and state of the scientific problem in general form, its theoretical and / or practical significance, connection with important scientific or practical tasks; substantiate the relevance of the research and its importance for the further development of the relevant arts and arts education).
Analysis of basic research and publicationsaddressing the outlined problems and identifying previously unsolved issues (briefly, critically and in some logical sequence it is necessary to analyze the main provisions of recent research and publications that directly address the problem raised, highlight previously unresolved issues).
Formulation of goals and objectives of the article (it is necessary to express (formulate) the main idea of the publication, which should be substantially different from current ideas about the problem, supplement or deepen the already known approaches, but insufficiently studied; the purpose of the research should be based on the formulation of the problem and the analysis of recent research and publications, and it should clearly define the final scientific result, indicate the scientific prerequisites it is based on, by what means and how it is achieved (involving, in particular, scientific hypotheses, ideas, phenomena, laws);
Presentation of the basic material and its results (it is necessary to highlight basic provisions and results of scientific research, personal ideas, thoughts, scientific facts obtained, regularities, connections, tendencies, methodology of obtaining and analysis of factual material, personal contribution of the author in reaching and realization of conclusions);
Conclusions (the most important results of the research, which contain scientific novelty and have theoretical and / or practical significance; should have the form of synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the main part of the article, ie a consistent, clear, logical presentation of the author's personal results in accordance with the goal of the most important research results that contain scientific novelty and are of theoretical and / or practical relevance).
Prospects for further research and recommendations.
ІІІ. Requirements for text of the article
3.1. Articles to the "Professional Art Education" journal can be submitted both in Ukrainian and English.
3.2. Articles are accepted only in a file format (text in .doc, .docx, .rtf format; illustrations in .tif, .jpg, .pcx or any other graphic format as agreed by the editor).
3.3. All non-text objects are created by Microsoft Word (objects must be grouped).
3.4. Graphics and drawings must be editable.
3.4.1. Illustrations are allowed in the text of the article, but must be submitted as separate files in TIFF, JPG, PCX format minimum resolution 300 dpi or on separate sheets.
3.5. Words must be typed without hyphenation.
3.6. For formulas Equation Editor must be used.
3.7. The text should be typed in Times New Roman, 14-point font, 1.5 line spacing and printed on A4-size paper (210 x 297,5), maximum 30 lines on a page.
3.8. The margins should be 2cm on all sides. If the article contains graphic material, it should be submitted in A5 format, and there should be free space left for drawings in the author’s original manuscript. Electronic variants should be completely corrected without "icons" and "objects".
3.9. The text of the scientific paper should be submitted in the following order.
3.9.1. UDC is a universal decimal classification code (on the right edge). You can determine the UDC in Ukrainian on the UDC website.
3.9.2. Title of the article (in bold capital letters with center alignment, without abbreviations, including letter abbreviations). The title of the article should reflect the content of the study and correspond to its goal, scientific results and conclusions.
3.9.3. The author’s name and surname should be center-aligned.
* No more than two co-authors are allowed for one scientific article
3.9.4. Annotation in Ukrainian (1100-1400 thousand characters) together with keywords (4-8 words)
Font - Times New Roman
Font size - 12 pt;
Line spacing – 1.
3.9.5. The text of the article should meet the content requirements, namely, contain such structural components as:
- Formulation of the problem and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks.
- Analysis of basic research and publications.
- Formulation of the goals and objectives of the article.
- Presentation of the main material.
- Prospects for further research.
3.9.7. Literature and References must be compiled according to the Reference list requirements.
3.9.8. The paragraph indent in English indicates the author's name (s), the title of the article (in bold capital letters), centered alignment, and an expanded annotation (2200-2800 characters), which should include the following structural parts:
Object. (Purpose and goals of the study).
Methods & methodology. (Methods are indicated only if they ontain novelty and of interest, given the subject matter of the article).
Scientific novelty.
Results. (Main results of the study).
Conclusions. (Conclusions).
Keywords: 4-7 keywords (it is advisable not to repeat the title of the manuscript).
3.9.9. A set of keywords should be relevant to the main content of the article, reflect the subject of the study and provide a thematic search. Keywords must be entered in the nominative case, separated by a semicolon.
The annotation in English, along with the keywords, should be printed in Times New Roman (14-piont font), line spacing – 1.
IV. Additional requirements
4.1. Copyright agreement should be submitted as a separate file and it should contain author’s personal information: full name, first name, patronymic, scientific degree, academic title (specialty), position, place of work (study), settlement; country, Orcid ID, or Researcher ID, email address.
4.2. The name of the file with information about the author should be written in Latin scripts on the example: ivanov_avtor.doc..
V. Reference list requirements
*Citation in the text and inclusion in bibliographic lists of those sources published in the Russian language in any country, as well as sources in other languages, if they are published on the territory of Russia and Belarus, are prohibited.
5.1. The text of the manuscript and the list of references must adhere to the general rules of citation and references in accordance with the international standard of APA Style.
5.2. References should be in original language, without numbering.
5.3. All links should be arranged alphabetically by author’s name. Non-author references must be (should be) listed alphabetically by title.
5.4. References. Titles of Cyrillic sources, surnames and names of their authors (compilers, responsible and (or) scientific editors), names of journals, names of conferences (seminars, symposia, conferences, round tables, etc.) and publishers should be transliterated in Latin letters.
It should be followed by English translation of the title in square brackets: monograph or other publication, scientific article, abstract of the scientific report (message), as well as the names of conferences, seminars, symposiums, round tables, etc.
After each reference, the source language, such as (in Ukrainian) or (in English), must be indicated in parentheses.
5.5. Transliteration * must be performed depending on the language of the original source: use the official transliteration approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on January 27, 2010, No 55 for the Ukrainian language and for the Russian language use transliteration in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the FCS of Russia No. 26, dated February 3, 2010.
* Online transliteration services: for sources in Ukrainian – “Standard Ukrainian transliteration” in passport standard mode.
5.6. Foreign sources remain unchanged. They should be placed before the translated Cyrillic.
Reference list (bibliography) example:
Boiko, A. M. (ed). (2004). Personalii v istorii natsіonalnoi pedahohіky. 22 vydatnykh ukrainskykh pedahohy [Personalities in the history of national pedagogy. 22 prominent Ukrainian educators]. Kyiv: VD "Professional". [in English]
Maralov, V. G. (2002). Fundamentals of self-knowledge and self-development: a tutorial]. Moscow: Academy. [in Russian]
Yuryeva, K. A., Tishchenko, O. M. (2014). Kompetentsii, kompetentnіst, mіzhkulturna kompetentnіst uchytelia: sutnist and zmist. Zasoby navchalnoi ta scholarly-consistent robots [The sphere of competence, competence, teacher's inter-cultural competence: essence and content. Means of Educational and Research Work], 42, 169-182. [in English]
5.7. In the case of DOI (If DIO for an article (author) exists), it is advisable to indicate as following:
Puchau, B. (2010). Dietary total antioxidant capacity and obesity in children and adolescents. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 61 (7), 713–721.
VI. Volume requirements
6.1. The total volume of the manuscript is 0.5-0.8 printed pages, (10-16 pages of typewritten text) *.
* If the article exceeds certain requirements, then permission from the editorial board should be obtained.
6.2. A shortened annotation of about 1100-1400 characters must be attached to the article in Ukrainian and an expanded one (2200-2800 characters) in English.
6.3. An extended annotation in Ukrainian language (minimum1800 characters, including keywords) must be attached to the article in English according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 32, dated January 16, 2018 (item 6, subparagraph 4).
6.3.1. The extended annotation in English must be certified by the seal of the translation bureau or approved with the signature of the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages or of the Department of International Relations of Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda.
6.3.2. The editorial board of the Journal may review and accept the extended annotation in English from similar department of other educational institutions, and organizations whose signatures are duly certified.
6.3.3. The editorial board of the Journal can independently analyze and check the annotation in English by leading specialists, subject to agreement with the author of the manuscript. If necessary, a quality translation of the annotation into English from the original text can be performed.
6.4. Articles submitted in English by non-English authors (translated) must be certified for the accuracy of translation by the Translation Bureau or the Department of Foreign Languages or the International Relations Department of the institution, as described above.
6.5. The following should be attached to the manuscript:
– review of the candidate / Doctor of Science in the relevant specialty, certified by the seal of the institution of the reviewer (for authors with scientific degrees or academic titles, a review is not required);
– annotations in Ukrainian and English;
– information about the author, including surname, first name, patronymic, position, place of work, academic degree and academic title, contact phones, e-mail; Orcid (Researcher ID), home address or “Nova Poshta” (to where to send a printed version of the collection);
– payment receipt for the publication (after reviewing the article by the editorial board and subject to a positive decision on publication).
6.6. Materials that do not meet these requirements shall not be accepted. Articles that have already been published or submitted for publication in other publishers shall not be accepted.
6.7. Submissions are sent by mail with cover letter addressed (Submissions with a cover letter attached should be sent by e-mail) to the Editor-in-Chief, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Secretary in charge. An electronic version of the article can be emailed to: Manuscripts and electronic media shall not be returned.
VІІ. The stages of review and policy of the editorial committee
7.1. The editorial board processes the materials and publishes the current issue of the "Professional Art Education" through independent double-blind review of submitted manuscripts.
7.2. Each article goes through three stages of control:
– primary control of compliance with the general requirements for the articles;
– plagiarism and citation quality check;
– external scientific review in accordance with the Regulation on the Editorial and Publishing Board.
7.3. The decision on the publication of the article will be notified to the author. The article will be returned for revision in case of violation of design requirements.
7.4. The editorial firmly condemns plagiarism in articles as a violation of copyright and scientific ethics. If the article contains more than 20% of borrowed text without proper references and quotation marks, it will be qualifies as containing plagiarism. In this case, the article will no longer be considered, and the author will receive a warning (if there is a scientific advisor, he will also be informed).
7.5. After an external "blind" review, the editorial board makes the final decision on the possibility of publishing the article. In the case of a positive decision to publish the article, the author will receive a corresponding notification by e-mail and a payment invoice, which should be paid in cash at any bank.
7.6. Articles are published on a first-come first-served basis, depending on the date the of receipt of the article by the editorial board. The articles will only be included in the queue after the editorial board has received the payment confirmation for the publication. Articles will be distributed in the nearest issues where there are available spaces.
7.7. Each issue of the Journal is signed for publication based on the decision of the Academic Council of Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda. The issue of the journal with the published article will be sent to the authors (by agreement) by mail or (delivered in the editorial office).