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- Journal editorial board "Professional Art Education" adheres to copyright and exercises its powers within the framework of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright".
- The authors have the right to submit original scientific articles containing the results of historical, theoretical or experimental research with a view to publish them in the “Professional Art Education” journal.
- Authors must confirm that the submitted materials are not under consideration by other publishers and correspond to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guide to the authors.
- Authorship should be limited to those who contributed significantly to the development, design, execution, or interpretation of the study. Anyone who has made a significant contribution must be registered as a co-author. All those who somehow participated in the research project should be named in the confirmation section.
- The author (s) of the article must sign the author's agreement for the publicationof the materials and send it to the journal editorial board. If the editorial board decides to reject the article, the aforementioned agreement shall be null and void.
- The author / authors reserve the right to:
- use the materials of the article in whole or in part for educational purposes;
- use the materials of the article in whole or in part to write their own dissertations;
- use the materials of the article for the preparation of abstracts, conference reports, as well as oral presentations;
- post electronic copies of the article (including the final electronic version downloaded from the journal official website) on: personal web-resources of all authors (web sites, web pages, blogs, etc.); web resources of institutions where authors work (including electronic institutional repositories); non-commercial open-source web resources;
- detect significant errors or inaccuracies in his own submitted (published) work and notify the editor of the journal or publisher for rejection or correction of the document.
In all cases, the presence of a bibliographic link to an article or a hyperlink to its electronic copy on the “Professional Art Education” journal official website is mandatory.