Reconstruction of architectural monuments of Kharkiv region using augmented reality
Kharkiv region, Technologies of augmented reality, Reconstruction of architectural monumentsAbstract
The article examines the possibility of using augmented reality (AR) technologies for the reconstruction of ruined and damaged architectural monuments of Kharkiv region. AR technologies make it possible to create virtual trivial objects in real space, which can be used to create a historical look for monuments. The advantages that augmented reality technologies bring to architecture are highlighted. Practical applications of the use of augmented reality technologies have been introduced in the tourism and museum spheres of Ukraine.
Methods and methodology. The methods of using AR-technologies to which the creation of an AR-model of an architectural object or another object of cultural destruction have been introduced are characterized: with new creations of the historical appearance of the monument; from the created appearance of the monument at the last stage of its history; with the creation of interactive information in the tourism sector. The specific features of augmented reality technologies are reinforced, such as: objectivity, similarity to the original, accessibility. Before identifying these features, recommendations are outlined to enable the effective deployment of AR models.
The scientific novelty. Based on the article, the development of one hundred percent use of augmented reality technologies for the reconstruction of architectural monuments of the Kharkiv region.
Material. The research material includes methodological literature, scientific publications, works of authors, evidence from foreign and scientific studies.
Results. The main ways of using AR technologies in architecture are examined. Characterize the specific features of using AR technology for the reconstruction of architectural objects. Provide recommendations for the use of AR technologies in the context of the reconstruction of architectural monuments of the Kharkiv region.
Conclusions. AR technologies offer a number of benefits for the reconstruction of architectural monuments of Kharkiv region, fragments of stench allow creating a historical look for monuments, creating interactive tours and increasing the accessibility of the cultural decline of the region onu. However, the use of AR technologies for the reconstruction of architectural monuments of Kharkiv region has a number of limitations, which reflect the high quality of the creation of AR models and the need for special equipment for their use. However, regardless of such limitations, AR technologies have the potential to become a valuable tool for preserving and popularizing the cultural decline of the Kharkiv region.
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