Features of the development of modern music education in foreign universities
foreign education, music education, national model, music institutions, artistic disciplines, specifics of music training, activities of a music teacherAbstract
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the directions, content and structure of the development of foreign higher musical education on the basis of a systematic analysis. The methodological basis of the research was: system-activity, cultural, praxeological, axiological approaches and philosophical, terminological, cognitive principles. General scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, comparison, classification), empirical, prognostic research methods were used.
The scientific novelty consists in highlighting, analyzing and concretizing the common requirements and differences of national models of higher music and music-pedagogical education of foreign countries (France, Germany, Finland, Austria, USA) in comparison with the Ukrainian educational concept of the development of higher art education. The specifics of diversification of music education (diversification of principles, approaches to the content of education) are determined.
Results. On the basis of a systematic analysis, the directions, content and structure of foreign higher music education are substantiated. It is assumed that the purpose of foreign professional education is to satisfy the personal and professional interests of each student. The common features and differences of national models of music and music-pedagogical education are revealed. The content of the pragmatic model of training teachers of art disciplines in the countries of Western Europe and the USA is revealed. A classification of European musical and pedagogical education is proposed. The specificity of decentralization as a leading trend of foreign art education (administrative, financial and methodical) is substantiated. The trends in the development of music-pedagogical education regarding the training of a professional specialist in the artistic profile have been analyzed. The content of the requirements for the professional training of a future music teacher is revealed.
Conclusions. It is assumed that democratization, individualization, decentralization and diversification remain the leading trends in the development of foreign higher music education, which influence the definition of the structure and content of higher art education.
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