Professional development of the philologist-folklorist: an andragogical perspective




adult education, he principles of andragogy, philologist-folklorist, professional development, folkloristic scientific and educational environment


The purpose of the article is to characterize the essence of andragogical principles (according to L. Lukiyanova) taking into account the specifics of professional improvement, the development of scientific culture, and the enhancement of professional skills of philologists-folklorists in the modern folkloristic scientific and educational environment.
Methods and Methodology: The research was conducted using methods characteristic of andragogical works, namely: sociological, statistical, comparative analysis, longitudinal study, monitoring, biographical, content analysis, and interpretive methods.
The research methodology is based on historical, terminological, activity-based, informational, axiological, competence-based, individual, and andragogical approaches, as well as historical, terminological, and cognitive principles.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the theoretical substantiation of the main aspects of applying the andragogical approach in the context of the professional development of philologists-folklorists with a focus on lifelong activity of professional folklorists (scholars or educators).
Results. The article substantiates the necessity of implementing the Concept of adult education in Ukraine within the folkloristic scientific and educational environment. It is demonstrated that Ukrainian philologists-folklorists constitute a unique scientific elite, particularly as adults, who must develop professionally and as individuals based on the principles of the andragogical approach to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian folklore studies in the European context. The research confirms that in the first decades, certain recessionary tendencies in the folkloristic scientific and educational field will lead to the reorientation of folklore specialists towards their own potential for innovation and professional growth.
Among the negative phenomena identified are the absence of an adult education system in the folkloristic scientific and educational environment, the "unpopularity" of the folklore specialty, the lack of profitability in the profession, insufficient government support for folkloristic research, a low percentage of defended dissertations at the candidate and doctoral levels, and the risk of losing the fundamental foundation of specialists' training, which should be directed towards continuous improvement of folkloristic competence and undoubtedly contribute to the development of the scientific and educational field.
The essence of andragogical principles (according to L. Lukiyanova) is characterized in relation to the specifics of professional improvement, the development of scientific culture, and the enhancement of professional skills of philologists-folklorists in the modern folkloristic scientific and educational environment.
The most relevant andragogical principles extrapolated to the problem of the professional development of philologists-folklorists include the unity principle of three environments (educational, professional, and social), the principle of openness of the educational environment, the principle of synthesizing three approaches to education (andragogical, individually oriented, and contextual), the principle of activity, the principle of continuous support, the principle of professional motivation, the principle of elective learning, the principle of developing educational needs, the principle of contextual learning, and the principle of reflection.
The work concludes that the application of andragogy principles leads to the formation of an intellectual, knowledgeable, axiologically oriented, and professionally empowered elite capable of representing the respective scientific field and practical direction at a relevant level within the country and worldwide.


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Author Biography

  • Myroslava Vovk, Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

    DSc in Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Content and Technologies of Teacher Education, Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
    Kyiv, Ukraine


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Art Education


How to Cite

Vovk, M. (2022). Professional development of the philologist-folklorist: an andragogical perspective. Professional Art Education, 3(1), 17-25.