Training of Multimedia Profile Designers in the Chinese Professional Education System
professional training, design skills, media environment, multimedia design, media designAbstract
The purpose of the article considers the professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China. The aim of the study was to highlight the components of the training of future multimedia professionals, as well as to improve the training and methodological support for professional training of designers in the Chinese education system.
Methods & methodology. Conventional pedagogical research methods were applied: theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, comparative analysis, empirical and modeling methods. he results of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem show that its various aspects are reflected in the works of scientists who consider the professional skills of future design professionals at the higher education level (E.Antonovich, Liu Guilin, Liu Chunilin, Shi Changfa, Yu Zuguang, A. Antipovsky, N. Borevskaya, Liu Dongming, V.Danylenko, M. Opalev, N. Pazyura, Su Xiaohuan, N.Franchuk, Zhu Mutsu, Jia Yacheng, Er.Gorgul, Em.Gorgul, etc.).
Scientific novelty. Psychological and pedagogical features and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher educational institutions of artistic profile in China were theoretically substantiated. An attempt was made to determine the essence of professional competence of multimedia design specialists, which consists in the integral quality of personality, which conducts the readiness and ability of the future specialist to carry out professional creative activity. The essence of the basic concepts of research (professional training, multimedia design, media design) is specified, which will allow scientists, educators and specialists of multimedia design-project to master a branch of practical activity more effectively.
Results. It is substantiated that the skills of a multimedia designer are a combination of different art forms, traditional and experimental techniques and technologies, such as the use of sound, light, dance, digital images, visual and communicative environments. It is proved that professional training of future specialists in multimedia design in higher educational institutions of China is a complex pedagogical process based on the traditions of Chinese culture, structure, methods of appropriate diagnostic fund and system of artistic techniques, decisions, images, symbols. The expediency of the main educational blocks help force creative opportunities and professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher educational institutions is determined; the essence of their components is revealed. The professional creative activity includes use of computer technologies to create a new video art product, interactive object or interactive digital works both within the field of contemporary art and beyond these limits through the illusion of movement of three-dimensional and planar images, as well as the ability to control information flows in the form of texts, music, animation, graphics, etc. on the basis of the formed knowledge, abilities, skills.
Conclusions. Based on the study, we identified the features of professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher education in China, which consist in dual education, system-structural approach to training, fluency in theoretical and practical bifunctional professional skills (implementation of knowledge of shaping, color didactics, design literacy, visualization of complex digital information, etc.), the ability to reflect and analyze the process of creative activity and its results; consistently select and use appropriate visual and design methods for training. Features and general trends of the modern media industry and its impact on the state of development of professional training of multimedia design specialists in higher education institutions are established; the characteristics of the media environment are outlined, the content and structure of multimedia activity are substantiated, its classification is revealed.
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